Devotional Thought for January 21, 2018

Devotional Thought for January 21, 2018:

In the Gospel according to St Mark chapter one, Jesus says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  This simple sentence contains a command “Follow me” and a promise, “and I will make you fishers of men.”  The command is specifically given to Andrew and Simon, literally to follow Jesus at that moment and they did.  The powerful Word of God that spoke the universe into being, “Let there be… and there was,” moved these men to obedience.  Today when we hear Jesus’ words, “follow me” they demand the same obedience.  Following Christ means to place yourself into the proximity of the Word and Sacramental ministry of His Church.  That is our duty as Christians to hear and read the Word of God and receive the sacraments regularly.  And there the “following” begins.

The promise, “and I will make you fishers of men,” is rooted in God’s gift of love.  There is a correlation between our obedience and our ability to love.  “And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments…”(2 John 6)  Don’t confuse the promise with the command.  God is the one doing the action and you are the ones being made into fishers of men.  The promise “I will make you fishers of men,” is that God will make you, God will cause you, God will enable you to love your neighbor.  Your true love for your neighbor is to share your faith in Christ with them.  To care whether they suffer for eternity or live in Christ for eternity. To bring your neighbor into the Word and Sacramental ministry, that Jesus established as His Church, is the highest expression of love one neighbor can give to another.  This ability to express this love is God’s gift to you.  God’s Word says, “I will make you fishers of men,” and God’s Word does what He says.

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In Christ,

Pastor Tony Mandile